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Traditional Holiday Card vs. E-Card: Pros and Cons

January 15, 2015  

If you’re a business owner, chances are you’re considering sending some sort of holiday greeting card for your clients or customers. Some may dismiss the holiday card as just another piece of junk that will go into the circular file when the holidays are over (or even go unnoticed), but if you play it right, this can be an to connect with your customers at one point along the “marketing funnel.”

Yes, the holiday season is all about spreading that warm, festive feeling, but it’s also the perfect opportunity to touch your customers in friendly, non-sales like manner.


What many business owners need to think about is the approach to sending cards. Should you go the traditional method of snail mail, with those festive, embossed holiday cards? Or go more modern with the digital e-card? This issue is up for debate — what are the accepted social norms?


With most of our business communications now taking place online, digital holiday cards are easy and cheap (excuse me… cost-effective). However, if you want to stand out from the crowd and avoid your message getting lost in the clutter of email, take a more traditional route by popping a signed card in the mail.


Keeping it Real with the Traditional Holiday Card

“Make your clients feel special”, says Dawn Messer, partner at The Social Page in Calgary. “If you’ve made your client feel that they are valued and appreciated, then your holiday card has done its job,” says Messer. “A written card sends the message that your business meant something, as opposed to just an e-greeting that is simply easy and impersonal.”


Integrity Post Structures Christmas card--fun and festive shows brand personality

Integrity Post Structures Christmas card–fun and festive shows brand personality


Inside of card--personalized with photos, a message and signature

Inside of card–personalized with photos, a message and signature


As you’re creating your holiday greeting, ask yourself this question: why are you sending a card in the first place? If the goal is to stand out and be memorable in the eyes of your customer, then being original and thoughtful will go a long way. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:






Use your company’s holiday card as a way to show your appreciation, and as a gentle reminder of your brand and unique value for the upcoming year.


Tell us your thoughts: e-greetings or traditional?