I recently attended a presentation by my fifth grade son on one of his favourite topics: race cars. Not only did I learn that a Formula One car is capable of a 3.5 G lateral cornering downforce which means that theoretically they could drive upside down, but I also came away with a new (to me) quote by Mario Andretti, one of the most successful race car drivers in history.
“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.”
Well said Mario.
I left that presentation secure in the knowledge that I am definitely going fast enough.
There is another well-known proverb about a shoemaker who was so busy making shoes for his customers, that his children went shoeless. I’ve been working on a new pair of shoes for Not Your Average Jo for a while and it’s about time that I put them on.
After a decade of wearing cat eye glasses, I’m due for a makeover. This new look includes a fresh website, photos, banners and logo, which, if you’re wondering is a cross between a megaphone and an alien laser pointer. Because a straight up megaphone would be too, well, average.
As part of my commitment to wearing better shoes, I have made a promise to myself: take better care of my blog and social presence. I may relapse, but I have a dozen ideas floating like butterflies in my head which I plan on putting on screen in words and pictures. Hopefully you will be entertained and informed by these forthcoming posts. And I’ll be launching my very own Instagram account (WOW, I know) but in the meanwhile connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Thank you to all of my fantastic clients who keep me busy. I am deeply honoured that you trust me with businesses (aka your babies) and some of the far-out concepts that we experiment with as we build your brands together. I’ll be sharing updates on these projects, one of which will be a twist on the traditional corporate Calgary Stampede party where we bring disco into the mix. That’s right folks, Western Disco. Take a peak at what this could look like>>
Stay tuned for more goodness!